Location: Marcoola, Queensland
Started: March 2018
End: December 2018
Redbacks Engineering was selected by Dredging and Reclamation Solutions Pty Ltd (DRS), to provide sinker line welding services to the Tier 1 project.
Redbacks Engineering welded together a 650m sinker line (D1000 X 25mm thick) along the beach front and under State Route 6. The pipeline was floated into position in the bay and sunk to enable the reclamation material to be brought ashore. After completion of reclamation the sinker line material was marked, cut into transportable sections and removed from site ready to be used on the next project. Make up pieces, sealed flanges along the 3km land line were fabricated and installed by Redbacks.
Redbacks Engineering provided pipe preparation and setup; root and fill welding, qualified welding procedures, ultrasonic testing of 100% of root and flux core welds; as well as general boiler making services. All work was completed incident free and on schedule.
The Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion will open up South East Queensland to the world and drive economic growth for the Sunshine Coast Region.